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Ubuntu Hardy Heron - Novell Netware

Setup Novell client for a Ubuntu Heron workstation to connect to a Novell Netware Cluster.

First we need to install some additional software which you can find in the default repository :

  1. sudo apt-get install ncpfs

If you like you can find a complete file list here for what is installed:

  1. less /var/lib/dpkg/info/ncpfs.list

Command and tools:

  1. nw tools:
  2. nwauth nwborm nwbpset nwfsctrl nwmsg nwpurge nwtrustee
  3. nwbocreate nwbpadd nwbpvalues nwfsinfo nwpasswd nwrevoke nwtrustee2
  4. nwbols nwbpcreate nwdir nwfstime nwpjmv nwrights nwuserlist
  5. nwboprops nwbprm nwdpvalues nwgrant nwpqjob nwsfind nwvolinfo
  6. ncplogin ncplogout ncpmap ncpmount ncpumount

All of the ncp* command you need root privileges. So when you map (sudo ncpmap) you can not access the files as a regular user! However, if change SUID bit for these files, you can. Take notice that this introduces a security risk!

  1. sudo chmod u+s /usr/bin/ncp*

So, what is the procedure to log-on and map drives to a Novell Netware Server? All of this is very trivial.

!! Change all variables between the [brackets] to your needs!

Step 1: Login to server

  1. sudo ncplogin -S [ServerName] -A [Host] -U .[UserName].add.your.context

You could add the ” -P ” flag and provide your password but you don’t want people to shoulder surf and snag your password! We have a cluster called atom, so my definition for both flags -S and -A is atom ;-)
!! Notice that we start which a ” . ” by flag -U

Step 2: Test if are connected:

  1. nwuserlist -S [ServerName
  2. ]

Step 3: Map the drives

  1. sudo ncpmap -S [ClusterResource] -A [ClusterResource] -V [VolumeName] -R [directory_to_map] ~/Novell/data-drive

As you can see I’ve logged-on to the Netware cluster and now I’m mapping to a cluster resource.

Step 4: Logout

  1. ncplogout -a

If you like, here is a little script I’m using to connect to the server:
Syntax ~/nwlogin [no username | username]
If no username is given then your linux username will be default.

  1. #!/bin/bash
  2. # Setup directory structure
  3. if [ ! -d ~/Novell ]; then
  4. mkdir ~/Novell
  5. chmod 700 ~/Novell
  6. fi
  7. if [ ! -d ~/Novell/data-drive ]; then
  8. mkdir ~/Novell/data-drive
  9. chmod 700 ~/Novell/data-drive
  10. fi
  11. if [ ! -d ~/Novell/appl-drive ]; then
  12. mkdir ~/Novell/appl-drive
  13. chmod 700 ~/Novell/appl-drive
  14. fi
  15. # Set UserName if none given fetch your current linux loginname
  16. if [ -e $1 ]; then
  17. echo $1
  19. else
  20. NDSUSER=$1
  21. fi
  22. # Set alternative context
  23. if [ ! -e $2]; then
  24. CONTEXT=$2
  25. else
  26. CONTEXT=your.context.here
  27. fi
  28. # Close active connections
  29. ncplogout -a > /dev/null
  30. echo "Enter NDS password for $NDSUSER.$CONTEXT"
  31. read -s NDSPASS
  32. ncplogin -S [ServerName] -A [Host] -U .$NDSUSER.$CONTEXT -P $NDSPASS -o tcp ||
  33. echo "Couldn't authenticate to NDS server, aborting…"
  34. ncpmap -S [ServerResource] -A [ServerResource] -V [VolumeName] -R DriveToMap ~/Novell/data-drive || echo "Couldn't map to your atomdata, aborting…"
  35. ncpmap -S [ServerResource] -A [ServerResource] -V [VolumeName] -R DriveToMap ~/Novell/appl-drive || echo "Couldn't map to your atomappl, aborting…"
  36. unset NDSPASS


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