ANDA PASTI SUDAH PERNAH MELIHAT KLAIM AROGAN DARI YANG BERNAMA “AHLI INTERNET” DIMANA STRATEGI DAN PROGRAMNYA MEREKA BILANG DAPAT MEMBANTU KITA MENCAPAI RIBUAN DOLLAR TIAP HARI ATAU MENIT, “JANGAN PERCAYA!! (You’ve seen the nutty claims by so-called “internet experts” that strategies and programs they have devised enable surfers to earn thousands of dollars within a matter of days! Or minutes!! No such thing).
BAGAIMANAPUN, BANYAK PROGRAM YANG MENYEDIAKAN PENDAPATAN LUAR-BIASA DAN Google AdSense ADALAH SALAH SATU DIANTARANYA (However, there are several lucrative programs that can provide an extremely generous income with comparatively little effort – Google AdSense is absolutely one of them).
TAPI INI MEMBUTUHKAN WAKTU, DAN RENCANA SEPERTI BISNIS LAIN PADA UMUMNYA (But it takes some time, and it takes some planning, like anything real does). TUJUAN DARI PEMBAHASAN INI ADL MENCOBA MENGOPTIMALKAN NILAI POTENSIAL TADI (The rest of our report is all about unlocking that potential).
UNTUK PAHAM POTENSINYA, COBA PIKIR BAGAIMANA ADA MENDAPATKAN UANG DENGAN PROGRAM Google AdSense INI (To start understanding the potential, think about how you make money with this program). TIAP SAAT SESEORANG MENG-KLIK SUATU IKLAN DI HALAMAN ANDA, ANDA DAPAT PROSENTASE DARI BAYARAN YANG Google TERIMA DARI PENEMPATAN IKLAN TERSEBUT (Each time someone clicks an ad on your pages, you get a percentage of what Google is paid for placing that ad).
PENDAPATAN (Revenue or Income from an Ad) = NILAI KLIK IKLAN (Clickthrough value of the ad) X PROSEN BAGI HASIL (Payout Rate) X JLH KLIK PER TOTAL IKLAN TAMPIL (Clickthrough rate of the Ad) X TRAFIK WEB (Webpage traffic) X FREKUENSI IKLAN (Frequency of Ad)
NILAI KLIK IKLAN ADALAH JUMLAH BAYARAN BUAT KITA TIPA KLIK IKLAN (Clickthrough value is the amount the advertiser pays per click for the Ad). PROSEN BAGI HASIL MERUPAKAN PERSEN PENDAPATAN YANG DIBAYARKAN TIPA KLIK YANG DISETUJUI Google (The Payout Rate is the percentage of revenue to be paid for every click fixed by Google). JLH KLIK PER TOTAL IKLAN TAMPIL ADLAH JLH KLIK IKLAN PADA SATU PERIODE WAKTU DIBAGI JLH IKLAN TERSEBUT TAMPIL PADA SATU PERIODE YANG SAMA (Clickthrough rate is simply the X of times the ad is clicked on in a certain period of time divided by the X of times it is displayed during the same period). TAFIK WEB ADALAH JLH PENGUNJUNG KE WEBSITE ANDA (Webpage traffic is the X of visitors to your website). DAN FREKUENSI IKLAN ADALAH JLH IKLAN TERSEBUT MUNCUL DI HALAMAN WEB ANDA (Frequency of Ad is the X of times this particular ad appears on your webpage).
MARI MENCOBA MEMBUAT PERUMPAMAAN DENGAN PERSAMAAN DIATAS (Let’s put some figures into the above equation and see what the income is). PERUMPAMAAN DI BAWAH INI UTK 1 HARI (The figures below are for a single day):
MISAL NILAI KLIK IKLAN 30 SEN ATAU 0,30 DOLAR (Clickthrough Value 30 cents or $0.30)
PROSEN BAGI HASIL 50% ATAU 0,5 SEBAGAI ASUMSI RATA-RATA (Payout Rate 50% or 0.5, this is an assumption based on what many experts believe to be the current payout rate for most deals)
JLH KLIK PER TOTAL IKLAN TAMPIL 100 SEHARI DG 20 KALI KLIK JADI 0,2 (Clickthrough rate of the Ad the ad is displayed 100 times within the day and clicked by 20 people the clickthrough rate would be 0.20)
TRAFIK HALAMAN WEB ANDA MIS. 1500 (Webpage traffic 1500 visitors during the day)
PENDAPATAN PER HARI MENJADI (The Income per day from a single ad would be) = 0.30 * 0.5 * 0.20 * 1500 = $202.5
BAYANGKAN SAJA, PER HARI $202,5 JADI DALAM SATU BULAN MENJADI LEBIH DARI $2000, LUAR BIASA KAN? (If you consider this to be the average income per day, the total revenue generated within a month would be more than $2,000. This is incredible, considering you basically did nothing to earn that money. We know of cases where people have earned even more than $25,000 a month with AdSense, which is a large sum to anyone).
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