BAGAIMANA UNTUK SUKSES? (How to be success?)
ANDA AKAN BERHASIL KETIKA ANDA MENJADI “TIDAK MASUK AKAL” (You succeed when you are unreasonable). Why?
L. Ron Hubbard MENDEFINISIKAN MASUK-AKAL SEBAGAI “PENJELASAN KEGAGALAN”. KETIKA ANDA SEPAKAT DENGAN PENJELASAN KEGAGALAN, MAKA ANDA BERARTI SANGAT MASUK AKAL (L. Ron Hubbard defines reasonableness as "faulty explanations." When you agree with faulty explanations, you are too reasonable).
CONTOH PENJELASAN KEGAGALAN (Examples of faulty explanations):
"I can’t repair your furnace today as it might rain." The truth is, the repairman is going to a basketball game.
"We’ll never get this project done today as we’ve never done it in one day before." The truth is, they’ve never tried to get it done in one day.
JIKA ANDA SEPAKAT DENGAN PENJELASAN KEGAGALAN, MAKA ANDA SEPAKAT DENGAN KEGAGALAN, PADAHAL ITU SEMUA TIDAK MENGHASILKAN APA-APA (If you agree with faulty explanations, you agree to fail. Excuses, justifications and reasonableness produce nothing).
SEMENTARA ITU KETIDAK-SETUJUAN PADA PENJELASAN KEGAGALAN JUSTRU MEMBANTU ANDA BERHASIL (Yet disagreeing with faulty explanations often helps you succeed). Examples:
"If you can’t fix the furnace today because of the rain, no problem. I’ll see if I can find someone who repairs furnaces, despite the rain."
"So what if we’ve never done a project like this in one day. We are better at this than ever before and I think we can get it done if we get going right now!"
SEMUA MENJADI LEBIH BAIK SAAT ANDA TIDAK SEPAKAT DENGAN PENJELASAN KEGAGALAN - PERMASALAHAN MENJADI MENGHILANG, KEBENARAN MUNCUL DAN PENYELESAIAN PUN DITEMUKAN (The sun shines, the birds sing and everything improves when you disagree with faulty explanations. The lies disappear, the truth comes out and the solutions are obvious).
SAMA HALNYA DENGAN MIMPI KITA, KITA DAPAT BILANG (there is same cases with our dreams, we could said),
TIDAK MUNGKIN BISA JADI KAYA, TIDAK ADA PELUANG SAMA SEKALI (Impossible could be rich, there isn’t opportunity here)
HAL TERSEBUT MASUK AKAL, KARENA KITA TIDAK PUNYA MODAL, KEMAMPUAN ATAU APAPUN UTK SUKSES DAN KAYA, TAPI BAGAIMANA KALAU KITA BERKATA SEPERTI BERIKUT (there is reasonable, because we don’t have a capitals, skills, or anything that we need to be success an rich, but, how the conditions if we said like below this),
WALAUPUN TIDAK ADA MODAL, KEMAMPUAN ATAU APAPUN, TAPI SAYA PUNYA SEMANGAT DAN KEMAMPUAN UNTUK BELAJAR, SEMUA MUNGKIN SAJA TERJADI (Except I don’t have a capitals, skills or anything, but I have enthusiasm and ability to learn anything. All things could be happen)
DAN SEPERTI YG PERNAH SAYA KATAKAN, You are excellent with all things that you have, all success can you reach with all resources that you have. Find your success strength and beginning to build your success emperor in your life and in your world- include on your business.
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